All About Me
Jack's Creative Kitchen

Hi, I'm Jack from Jack's Creative Kitchen. This is me and my little brother, Nathan when I started Jacks Creative Kitchen in 2019.
Since then, I have donated almost $5,000 to charities close to me.
In 2022, I was so honored to receive the Aquinas College Foundation Annual Philanthropy Award. The award came with an amazing $500 Bursary which I donated to the Autism Association of WA in support of our inclusive Aquinas Community which I love.
This year I am baking again to raise funds for charity. Please visit my store page to order your cookies for Christmas
Thanks for visiting.
The History of Jacks Creative Kitchen
I love food festivals and events and I have always wanted to get involved in baking on a large scale. I had seen the amazing work St Barts do in East Perth and I really wanted to bake cookies of the homeless. Mum made a few phone calls and we quickly discovered that it would be much more beneficial to raise money.
So I started an Instagram page and telling people about my first cookie sales event called "Cookies for our community." Mum and Dad helped with the orders. I baked and packaged cookies for 16 hours straight on Friday 23rd August 2019 and we sold the cookies on Saturday 24th August 2019 from 11am. We sold Choc Brownie Cookies and Oatmeal Raisin Cookies which were all plant based using the finest ingredients. We donated $800 to St Bartholomew's House.
From additional cookie sales and special orders at Christmas, I was able to donate an additional $770 to Variety WA.
In August 2020, I was baking again for some of Perth's most vulnerable people and donated $1844 to St Barts.
So happy to announce that in December 2021, due your continued support, I was able to donate $500 to Variety WA and $500 to Autism Association of Western Australia.
If you have purchased, thank you for your support.
Please contact me if I can help your organisation with fundraising.

I believe it is so important to include more plant based whole foods in your diet. When you discover the benefits to your health and overall well being, you will never look back.
By creating RawCrush, I hope to show how easy it is to make healthy choices that are not only beautiful but really good for you.
I have a popular Instagram page showcasing all the beautiful dishes my family and I enjoy, my recipes have been published in numerous books and magazines all over the world since 2016 plus I have two recipe books. My first, "Raw Crush Fully Raw" is filled with over 80 recipes that are fully raw and can be incorporated into your existing diet. My second, "Citrus Crush" is all about a better living and a plant based diet rich in protein and citrus fruits for winter. I hope you enjoy them
Love and Hugs.